Citizen Fish >>
You know nothing will ever get solved if you feel that you shouldn't get involved. Claiming ignorance of what to say, or how to say it the "proper" way. Nodding your head but building walls by keeping your thoughts invisible. And blaming ignorance on everyone else for leaving you stranded by yourself. Well we presumed you were happy like that. If you'd dropped the scowl, you'd be in for a chat. Maybe, it's as simple as what they see, and they cannot see a lot! So don't point the finger until you've shaken the hand. Get to know the way these people understand. From strangers at a party, "Well, whose that over there?" to those in a different country where the language makes you scared. If you're in a solo situation, face to unknown face, start a walking conversation and then increase the pace. The walls get built by silence, but are easily replaced, for in every style of language it is easy to relate. And a smile or open signal can lay the barriers to waste. Pack a few less self-images and make it less of an ego trip and the distance will be nothing between visitor and visited. Words used such as "strangers" make us sink in hesitation but the language of intention speaks out loud in all directors. Once you've cleared your inner fears, you can carry on for years!
Karaoke songs from our production: