Citizen Fish >>
After the gig and keen to share the end result of feeling aware but its autographs that you want me to sign. I write my name but it's not even mine… It's yours. Hang it up on your wall. I hope you get over it. Do a bit more. Cause playing the game is the game itself. Where all you get told is all you can tell. Labels define, and their opposition defines as well. Puts you in a position. Label it "alternative." What does that mean? A token cog in a music machine. It's always easier to follow the leader, the lowest common denominator, all dressed up as a motivator. Fuck the system? Yeah, see you later. "Fuck the system" X4. Seems like we heard it all before. Several years back and we all got a clue. Resistance fed what we said we'd do. Now several years on it's like it all belongs to the history books - well that's how it looks, the regeneration of the blank generation. Forgetfulness, that's all it took. Rebellion into fashion, and fashion creates names to be signed on bits of paper. It's all part of the game, a continuance of the process. All you want is autographs. Where has all the meaning gone? And why do I have to ask?