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Karaoke text písně Chumbawamba - I'm Coming Out

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY c >> Chumbawamba >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Diana,

Ahh, let's kiss and make up
Ahh, Let's dig the grave up
Ahh, let's have a shake up
Ahh, let's kiss and make up
I'm coming out
I had a fling with Doris Day
I'm coming out
I almost got her in the family way
I'm coming out
I gotta see what the papers say
I'm coming out
All dressed up in drag inside a Gucci body bag
I'm coming out
Ahh, let's kiss and make up
I'm coming out
Ahh, Let's dig the grave up
I'm coming out
Ahh, let's have a shake up
I'm coming out
Ahh, let's kiss and make up
I'm coming out
My self denial couldn't get any worse
I'm coming out
First confession second verse
I'm coming out
I forget myself but I remember the... words
All dressed up in drag inside a Gucci body bag
I'm coming out
Ahh, let's kiss and make up
I'm coming out
Ahh, Let's dig the grave up
I'm coming out
Ahh, let's have a shake up
I'm coming out
Ahh, let's kiss and make up
I'm coming out
The sniffer dogs are comin' round my house again
The sniffer dogs are comin' round my house again
I'm coming out
Ahh, let's kiss and make up
I'm coming out
Ahh, Let's dig the grave up
I'm coming out
Ahh, let's have a shake up
I'm coming out
Ahh, let's kiss and make up
The sniffer dogs are comin' round my house again

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