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Karaoke text písně Cauterize - Paper Wings

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY c >> Cauterize >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Siren Song Of The Counter Culture, Disguises, Staind,

Your paper wings got ruined in the rain
Coat hanger halo got rusted
The lace fell off the dress you made
Your the saddest little angel
Mascara left a sour taste

And I wish I was there when you took that fall
I'm too weak to pick you up
But I would've laid down in this puddle beside you
'Cause it's all that I can do
I didn't have the heart to tell you
It's really bad
It's really bad this time

Like wild horses running, scared
From a storm that's too much to bare
It's sad, the things you used to fear
Don't seem so bad (not so bad)
Don't let them scare you.

And I pushed your bed to the window today.
You're still not well enough to do visitors away
I fight these tears by your bedside
How dare I let you see me cry

I didn't have the heart to tell you
It's really bad
It's really bad this time

Your wings weren't meant for this
This weather that no one guessed
No calm before the storm
And it's gone before the panic sets
So let's take our time with this,
Bleach the mud from off your dress,
You make such an innocent mess in all of this.


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