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Karaoke text písně Branigan, Laura - Please stay, go away

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY b >> Branigan, Laura >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Branigan,

I'm caught in a crossfire, with nowhere to run
I'm keepin' my head down, 'cos I've got only one
I'm up on a high wire, with nothin' but air
I'm feelin' so nervous, with so many places to go
But I'm goin' nowhere
I'm ridin' a circle, it's twistin' my head
I feel like I'm moving, but my feet feel like lead
I'm drowning in quicksand, it's pullin' me down
I feel so abandoned, when I, I reach for the sky
I still can't get off the ground
Please stay, go away
Can't you see darling that you're drivin' me crazy?
Please stay, go away
Can't you see you're drivin' me crazy?
I'm deep in a forest, I can't find a tree
I'm chained to your heart, but I can't find the key
So show me the way, oh, I'm too blind to see
My mind's leaning left, while my heart tells me it's right
But it seems wrong to me
Please stay, go away
Can't you see darling that you're drivin' me crazy?
Please stay, go away
Can't you see you're drivin' me crazy?
So you want me to feel, then you turn like a wheel
Don't you know that I love ya?
Do I have to explain that I'm livin' your pain?
I can't take it again, but I don't want it to end
So please stay, go away
Can't you see darling that you're drivin' me crazy?
Please stay, go away
Can't you see you're drivin' me crazy?
Please stay, go away
Can't you see darling that you're drivin' me crazy?
Please stay, go away
Can't you see you're drivin' me crazy?
Please stay, go away
Can't you see darling you're really drivin' me crazy?
Please stay, go away
Can't you see you're drivin' me crazy?
Please stay, go away
Can't you see darling that you're drivin' me crazy?
Please stay, go away
Can't you see you're drivin' me crazy?
Please stay, go away
Can't you see darling ...

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