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Karaoke text písně Born Of Osiris - Recreate

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY b >> Born Of Osiris >>
Alba s touto skladbou: The Discovery,

Here we all feel alive
Here we use our minds
Let us form together
Use our minds

Recreate, redesign
Here forever

With a new world in our hands
We will gain control
With a new world in our hands
We will gain control

Realize that you will never
Feel this way again
Everything you wanted
Was right in front of your eyes
This is the life
So take it in and embrace

No more waste in faith cause we are home
No more waste in faith cause we are home

Don't let it be easy
You need a sense of direction
To visualize perfection

We are home we are free
This is serenity

Stop holding on for nothing

I'm ready to face this world and gain control
With a new world in our hands
With a new world in our hands
With a new world in our hands
Gain control

No more waste in faith cause we are home
We are at ease in the way we've grown
In the moment when time the timings right
We can start to feel the stars align

Don't let it be easy
Visualize perfection
Stop holding on for nothing
Visualize perfection

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