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Lyrics of a song Blue System - GASOLINE

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS b >> Blue System >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Burn Halo, Skillet, Femme Fatale, Songs In The Key Of Rock, Dieter Bohlen - Dieter der Film, Audioslave, Out Of It, Disclaimer ll, The Magnificent Adventures Of Heartache, Hearts Are Magnets,

Gimme gasoline...

I work hard for my money,
so hard for you honey,
but if I sleep I have a dream (Gimme, gimme gas)
Oh, I'm driving to L.A.,
I'm stop in a movie,
oh, this dream is so extreme (I know)
Hot stuff, emotion,
I drank a lot of potion,
Suddenly my car comes to stop

Oh, gimme gasoline,
For my Mercedes dream,
oh, gimme, gimme gasoline (gimme, gimme gas)
oh, Gimme gasoline,
I'm in a movie scene,
oh, gimme, gimme gasoline (gimme, gimme gas)
J.F.K. and Marilyn,
playing in a movie scene,
Marilyn and J.F.K.,
staying in a big hotel

When I wake in the morning,
I'm tired, I'm yearning,
and I fall asleep again (gimme, gimme gas)
I'm robbing the small bank,
I took the money and ran
Oh, this dream is so extreme (gimme, gimme gas)
Policeman are coming,
My engine is running,
Suddenly my car comes to stop

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