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Karaoke text písně Blaze Bayley - Time to Dare

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY b >> Blaze Bayley >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Promise and Terror,

Something is happening that I can't explain
I can feel myself changing but I don't know why
Something familiar that I've never seen
A confusing sensation inside

Beneath the human kingdom
From the realm of dreams
What does it mean?

Dangerous messengers start to appear
They are threatening everything I think I have
Threatening destruction of the world I made
With desire to know my true self

Beneath the human kingdom
From the realm of dreams
What does it mean?

Time to dare
Face the end of all that I thought I was
Face the change
Signs of the mystery living in me

Time to dare
Face the end of all that I thought I was
Face the change
A long asleep giants slowly awakes in me

Night after night I wonder what they mean
Night after night I wonder what I'm seeing
Night after night there's something haunting me

Now in daylight
The terror I now see is real
The terror of leaving all that I know behind
The promise and terror of everything is revealed
The terror of leaving all that I know

Time to dare
A long asleep giants slowly awakes in me

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