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Karaoke text písně Black Sabbath - Illusion Of Power

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY b >> Black Sabbath >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Forbidden ,

What is it that turns you on to the illusion of power,
This thing that grabs you by the heart and makes you want to tear things down.
There is no reason why I should need all this power, but if you cross me now,
I'm gonna tear your whole world down.
The illusion of power, things I feel, seem so real,
The illusion of power.
I can't get the emotional thing straight in my head,
Everything I love dies too soon, or is already dead.
Don't stand too close I spit and breathe fire,
Anything I've got now you cannot desire.
You want to be my friend, I promise you nothing.
Nothing I can give you, nothing I can do for you,
I'm being chased by the sins of my past and it's killing me now,
Killing me now.
The illusion of power, things I feel, seem so real,
The illusion of power.
The illusion of power, it's already set signed and sealed,
The illusion of power.
Fool, you're caught in a complex catacomb of your own inadequcies and pitiful weaknesses,
Your soul secretes insecurity.
So you live on the reflection side of the mirror; you're terrified of true power.
You Fear
I can tell you stories of my
shaded past and I can drag you down into the depths of my soul.
The illusion of power, things I feel, seem so real,
The illusion of power.
The illusion of power, it's already set signed and sealed,
The illusion of power.
Why don't you come closer, Promise a story I will tell, yeah,
I'll save you from your dreams, yeah
I'll save you from your dreams.

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