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Karaoke text písně Big D And The Kids Table - Goodluck

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY b >> Big D And The Kids Table >>
I've seen 22 years of life and I think I basically now what's going on as far as what lifes not about, there a cycle I won't be part of, but it's not because I don't think it's right, I gotta keep doing what I think I'm here for and not get buried in someone elts life, when I was younger I didn't know life ment falling into place, taking over a menuel possition that ment nothing to you in the first place, getting older confused by friends they're 22 and almost done, I must have missed the growup sign I thought we were still having fun

So good luck, with not forgetting who you are, even though it seems you have to
goodluck, finding your own way not setting in where your not happy
goodluck, remembering it's only life
goodluck, not fallowing what you don't believe in
goodluck, seeing many problems are only a big deal if you make them

everyone I met surounds me every day in my head it's a part of what makes me who i am, it's the attitude of my life, and it's amazing how some have made me feel so nice to me just made me laugh at life when I couldn't deal, and I wanna be just like that it's what I want to be, not held down by others but now I can see, I'll make my life a place I like or I could just sit and blame for things not right, what's to gain spending all of our life putting your friends down again and again,

so goodluck, being someone who can always help someone out
goodluck, in remembering how much you can effect someone etls
goodluck with not being selfish
goodluck with not being alone
goodluck in this life we're all just trying to get along
goodluck with not being getting caught up
goodluck with not being jelouse
goodluck with being alone
goodluck with figuring things out
goodluck with doing your best
goodluck with not loosing yourself
goodluck in being happy when you sit to review your life

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