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Karaoke text písně Big D And The Kids Table - Five Kids Down

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY b >> Big D And The Kids Table >>
five kids down five kids down, come on grandpa come on left right come grandpa it's a full fight you can take him you can take him come on grandpa it's a bloody sight winner again winner again, we walked right in a store to grab ourselves a bite on the way out surrounded five kids fight pushing grandpa pushed with his bad back on the way up a counterattack {come on grandpa you can take them come on grandpa five kids down} I'll tell you something then I'll tell you once again I never wanted to be anything than more than your friend I'll tell you something

then I'll tell you once again, I'm really caught this time, I'm really caught this time {chorus} they tried to take him down they tried five kids begging for their lives a lost fight step back and see left standing grandpa and me {chorus} I'll tell you something then I'll tell you once again I never wanted to be anything than more then your friend I'll tell you something then I'll tell you once again I'm really caught this time I'm really caught this time, five kids down it's pay back five kids down it's pay back five kids down it's pay back five kids down

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