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Karaoke text písně Big D And The Kids Table - Evil Girl, Angry Girl

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY b >> Big D And The Kids Table >>
watch out now

angry girl's always putting other girls down
always yelling at me 'cause i throw my man around
she spends her time backing off her amends
she says you're not like them, i got them fear and timid

now she's angry, now she's mad
always telling everyone that she made up with Thad
always telling me i should've or i shouldn't
always testing me and testing me and making me mad

evil girl you met somehow you're dating and it's great, yeah
..... 'cause the lot accepts you're soul mates
she loves you cause you're sweet and cute i mean
she loves you cause you got her, know you brought her on the scene

well now she's dumped you, now she's gone
at 18:22 is when they dropped the bomb
and now she needs someone to make her cool, to make her see
the best thing in your world is not the worst thing after all

evil girl angry girl
aw, are these my choices?
evil girl angry girl
the girl i want is just a myth

when the sun goes down in this Allston town
my head in my hand, a beginning and an end
i'll sit and wonder, wonder if i ever really wanted it

when the sun goes down with my Boston crowd
while i'm staring at my friends hoping this will never end
i sit and wonder, wonder why she never really wanted it

evil girl angry girl
aw, are these my choices?
evil girl angry girl
the girl i want is just a myth

[trombone solo]</i>

imagination girl please come save me, imagination girl
imagination girl please come save me in an imagination world
one day she'll come around and find me, i know
one day she'll come around and find me 'cause i know

when the sun goes down in this Allston town
with my head in my hand, hoping this will never end
i'll sit and wonder, wonder if i ever really wanted it

yeah, and i'll be gone
don't worry about me 'cause i'll be fine
don't worry about me 'cause i
i know there must be more than this

evil girl angry girl
aw are these my choices?
evil girl angry girl
the girl i want is just a myth

evil girl angry girl
aw are these my choices?
evil girl angry girl
the girl i want is just a...

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