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Lyrics of a song Berzerker - No One Wins

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Alba s touto skladbou: Dissimulate,

There'll be a time
Where I can take what they've taught and make it work
THIS would be a better place if you could free you mind of thought
THOUGH to be in this place life, has abandoned you
WORLD that we now live in has changed so rapidly
THERE'S no need for equality equality
All the dreams, ideals you fought for, waiting now for someone else
It's not real, that you're feeling parts of life's exterior
I can see you body rot, gaze upon your cornea
No one wins we end together, values, visions dead forever
HATE to be nothing why do you abandon me
WORDS without actions lies they mean nothing
CAN'T you all see the light that waves in front of you
THIS could be a mirror of the only ever way that WE'VE KNOWN
I can take what they've taught and make it work
THIS would be a better place if you could free you mind of thought
THOUGH to be in this place life, has abandoned you
WORLD that we now live in has changed so rapidly
THERE'S no need for equality equality

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