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Karaoke text písně Befour - Message Of Freedom

Alba s touto skladbou: Friends 4 ever,

The miracle is close to you

Cause you can make your dream come true

Your destiny lies in your hands

Takes your tears away

When love and peace is in your heart

You truly make a brandnew start

The time is now, the tide is high

Rise your Hands and pray

Send a message of freedom, a message of love

High up to the Mountains, to the heaven above

Send a message of freedom, a message of joy

This is going out to every girl, every boy

Message of Freedom, Message of Fortune

Message of peace and Harmony

Message of Freedom, Message of Fortune

Best things in life are still for free

The magic touch right in your soul

Will make you take your self control

Just trust yourself and you will see

Life in harmony

Well heavens got an open door

Just keep your feet down in the floor

The time is now, the tide is high

Raise your hands an pray

Send a message of freedom, a message of love

High up to the Mountains, to the heaven above

Send a message of freedom, a message of joy

His is going out to every girl, every boy

Message of Freedom, Message of Fortune

Message of peace and Harmony

Message of Freedom, Message of Fortune

Best things in life are still for free

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