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Karaoke text písně Bathory - Great Hall Awaits A Fallen Brother

Alba s touto skladbou: Nordland ,

Brother, we did cross the raging sea
Our fathers, has watched our trail for long
Battles, many we fought, side by side
Through foreverdark woods we did ride

Now your journey has reached the end of its trail
For today was a fine day to die
We shall meet again in great hall in the sky
And shall be until the end of time

We shall meet again in great hall in the sky
And shall be until the end of time

Sailing, the wind was strong against your face
Fighting, great battles we did win
Offering, the winterblot, a sacrifice
Open wide, the gates, to let you in

Brother mine, in battle beaten, not slain
Hall up high awaits you, come eternal life
Stricken down, o brother, this was your day
Rest you now, we will meet again

Stricken down, my brother, this was your day
Rest you now, we will meet again

Close your eyes, lay still, no more pain
Washed away, your blood, a gentle rain
The blood shed is blood of mine

Flames, your pyre, reaching high in the night
Sound the horn of bronze, it is time
Goddess of warriors to call

Rise and stand, my brother, whole again a man
Walk down golden aisle in hall up high
Take your seat, raise your cup, eternal life
Forever a Northern son

It is told, ancient tales
A great hall awaits a fallen brother

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