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Karaoke text písně Assassin - No Fear

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY a >> Assassin >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Fearless, Something's Gotta Give, The Best Of 2001-2009, Hide From The Sun, Breaking The Silence, The Club,

Party like a devil in delirium
Run like a maniac to strike
Stripping off and wander
Fast like a thunder
It's time to celebrate the feast of crime
No explanation
Fear of nothing
Good feeling to my friends
The wild hordes are on the move again
Standing next to couple fantastic terrorists
I'll pull my gun and shoot them down
If I would miss I would be so pissed
So I shoot 'em over and over again
No explanation
Fear of nothing
Good feeling to my friends
The wild hordes are on the move again
All I always, till the peak
The never ending end
We have no fear
Good friends until the end

No explanation
Fear of nothing
Good feeling to my friends

The wild hordes are on the move again
Jumping off a plane which is going down the drain
In free fall I ought to decide
Should I remember my time in September
Fuck it man, I will survive this crash
No explanation
Fear of nothing
Good feeling to my friends
The wild hordes are on the move again
All I always, till the peak
The never ending end
We have no fear
Good friends until the end

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