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Karaoke text písně Anubis Gate - Circumstanced

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY a >> Anubis Gate >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Anubis Gate,

I feel disqualified from luck
All my life has come unstuck
Since you left me out on my own

And still, with the anguish intact
I’d have the strength to react
If your ghost would only leave me alone

But every time I close my eyes
I see you coming back to me
But is it really what I want?
‘Cause when our silhouettes appear
The battlefields draw near

Home, no one’s there, no questions asked
The safest ground to go unmasked
If only you’d allow me

But hey, you’re just a phantom in my soul
Walks my mind to gain control
Of the devastated man I’ve come to be

And every time I close my eyes
I see you coming back to me
But is it really what I want?
‘Cause when your silhouette is gone
The agony goes on

Grander than our master-plan
The bonded souls we were
But chemistry ceased to be
And nothing seems to matter no more

I’ll search and find another me
Purified of nagging history
A supplication and a dream
‘cause I’m a million miles from rain
that can wash away this pain

Every time I close my eyes
I see you coming back to me
But is it really what I want
once your silhouette is gone?

There’s a thought that keeps recurring
underneath these scars
And though it’s fatal
It may take me close to where you are

Every time I close my eyes
I see you coming back to me
But is it really what I want
‘cause the agony goes on

So next time I close my eyes
I’ll rest my case ‘cause I can’t go on
It won’t be long!

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