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Karaoke text písně Animation Domination High-Def - Sympathy for Slender Man

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY a >> Animation Domination High-Def >>
Have you heard of the man
Who is ten feet tall?
He scares people away
Cause he's got no face at all

Super long arms
With tentacle end
But the tragedy is
He just wants to make friends

Ba bum dum dum

Sympathy for sle-eh-eh-eh-ender man
He hangs out in the dark
Cause he's go nothing to do
Wore his very best suit
Just to impress you
Have sympathy for poor slenderman

He's too tall for a car
So he walks all the way
He always tries to surprise you
In case it's your birthday

His breath smells bad
Cause he can't brush his teeth
He tried to take off his mask
And found a mask underneath

He bumps his head
When he enters a door
His shoes are shabby
Cause it's hard to find size 24

His Tvs are all broke
He's out of groceries too
He's skinny cause
He saved he biggest portion for you

Ba bum dum dum

Sympathy for sle-eh-eh-eh-ender man
His raspy voice
Is just a common cold
He's got so many arms
But nobody to hold
Have sympathy for poor slenderman

He hangs out with the trees
Because to trees don't judge
His friend requests ignored
From Sadako and The Grudge

Sympathy for slenderman
He's always doing the best he can

Just don't get this song
Stuck in your head
Or he'll show up tonight
At the end of your bed
And no one meets slender
With out winding up...


No sympathy for slender man.

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