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Karaoke text písně Angels And Airwaves - The Gift

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY a >> Angels And Airwaves >>
Alba s touto skladbou: We Don't Need To Whisper , Home, We Don´t Need To Whisper, Karma and Effect, White Light / White Heat, Diva, Scars & Wounds, Pleasure, The Gift, Greatest Hits,

There's the strangest excitment today
If your awake then your welcome to hear
I've got a gift and it blew me away
From the far eastern seas straight to here
Oh god I feel like I'm in for it now
It's like this rush has gone straight my brain
But my voice is as lonley as loud
As I whisper this joy of this pain

And suddenly...you died alone
You've won me over in no time at all

And now I'll stop storm the storm if it rains
I'll light a path far from here
I'll make your fear melt away
And the world we know disappear

And if you ask I will do what you say
All we have is this night to get through
With the taste of your smile on me
You left me all up in arms and confused
Oh god I feel like I'm in for it now
A hands kiss with you roughly vain
I swear I'll melt if you touch me at all
Then I'll ask you to do it again and again

And suddenly...you died alone
You've won me over in no time at all

And now I'll stop the storm if it rains
I'll light a path far from here
I'll make your fear melt away
And the world we know we know disappear

I'll stop the storm if it rains
I'll light a path far from here
I'll make your fear melt away
And the world we know disappear

Ah oh oh oh ah oh oh oh
And now I'll stop the storm if it rains
I'll light a path far from here
I'll make your fear melt away
And the world we know disappear

I'll stop the storm if it rains
I'll light a path far from here
I'll make your fear melt away
And the world we know disappear (appear appear appear appear)
Make the world we know disappear

Ah oh oh oh ah oh oh oh

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