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Karaoke text písně Amity Affliction, The - Dong Wayne

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY a >> Amity Affliction, The >>
Alba s touto skladbou: High Hopes EP,

Don't you, think it's strange
How we speak to ourselves when everything is falling to pieces?
Like molten lead to water
We fall apart and fragment
Always tearing ourselves in two
And hiding from regret

Always tonight and never last night, baby
You know it's all we have to get us through
So fucking sure that this will never end
New friends, new days, new nights
We'll make it through

On my own I learnt to feel it, and together
We learnt to kill it

It's strange, how these thoughts and how they come together
And I want to kill it
And let it forever die
These things I need to grieve and then I grieve
And then start learning as tomorrow slips on by

Always tonight and never last night, baby
You know it's all we have to get us through
So fucking sure that this will never end
New friends, new days, new nights
We'll make it through

On my own I learnt to feel it, and together we learnt to kill it...

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