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Karaoke text písně Alexis Jordan - Say that

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY a >> Alexis Jordan >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Alexis Jordan,

I’m here to give you my love
I’m here to give you my heart this evening
Tell me that you were ready
Tell me you’ll take it steady with me

Say that it’s us that your seeing in your dreams tonight
Say that it’s love that you need and your needing mine
Say that It’s the height of imagination
That’s how the celebration
All we need is a radio you and me

na na na na na

I came to tell you my past
I’m hoping that you’ll want a future after
Tell me that you’ll protect me
Promise you won’t regret me

Say that it’s us that your seeing in your dreams tonight
Say that it’s love that you need and your needing mine
Say that It’s the height of imagination
That’s how the celebration
All we need is a radio you and me

And if you ever get lost
I’ll come and get ya
No matter what the cost
I’ll pay it with ya
You don’t ever have to wonder
I’ll doubt my feeling for ya
Because we’re solid as a rock
Of everything you are
And everything your not
Give you all that I’ve got
And I’m never gonna stop

I’m here to give you my love
I’m here to give you my heart
My heart
My heart

Say that it’s us that your seeing in your dreams tonight
Say that it’s love that you need and your needing mine
Say that It’s the height of imagination
That’s how the celebration
All we need is a radio you and me
Say that it’s us that your seeing in your dreams tonight
Say that it’s love that you need and your needing mine
Say that It’s the height of imagination
That’s how the celebration
All we need is a radio you and me

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