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Více než 1900 karaoke skladeb ve 29 formátech. 1,1 TB pro Váš ON-LINE download. Platba na dobírku, převodem nebo kartou.

Karaoke text písně Alex Goot - The Edge of Glory

Alba s touto skladbou: Play Me Backwards, Cover, Ronan Parke, Singles, Songs I Wish I Wrote, Vol. 3, Covers, By Lady Gaga, Cover, The Covers: Volume Two, YouTube Covers,

There ain't no reason you and me should be alone
Tonight yeah, baby! (2x)
I got a reason that, Yeah, who should take me home tonight

I need a man who thinks it's right when it's so wrong
Tonight yeah, baby! (2x)
Right on the limits where
We know we both belong tonight

It's hard to feel the rush
To brush the dangerous
I'm gonna run back to
To The edge with you
Where we can both fall 'ver in love

I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge

The edge (6x)

I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you

Another shot before we kiss the other side
Tonight yeah, baby!
Tonight yeah, baby!
I'm on the edge of something final we call life tonight

Alright! (2x)

Put on your shades 'cause I'll be dancing in the flames
Tonight yeah, baby! (2x)
It doesn't hurt if everybody knows my name tonight

Alright! (2x)

It's hard to feel the rush
To brush the dangerous
I'm gonna run back to
To the edge with you
Where we can both fall 'ver in love

I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge

The edge (6x)

I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you!!

I'm on the edge with you! (2x)

I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge

The edge (6x)

I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you

I'm on the edge with you (5x)
I'm on the edge with you (5x)
I'm on the edge with you (5x)
I'm on the edge with you (5x)

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