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Karaoke text písně Aaron Watson - Wrangler Butts

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY a >> Aaron Watson >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Shutupanddance,

well, he's a no good for nothing
but she wishes he was good for something
besides his behind looking so fine
in those wragler jeans
well all her friends can't help but stare
at his blue denim derie'er
wish that they were in her boots
if you know what i mean
and it may sound crazy
but those wrangler butts
drive the cowgirls nuts
well he lays around all day long
stays out at night until the break of dawn
comes crawling in dragging
mud across her floor
well she'd love to kick him out
but she can't help but thinking about
all the women who are waiting line
for his 33/34's
and it may sound crazy
but those wrangler butts
it aint healthy if they fit too tight
you know this could hurt a man
by the end of the night
it's a powerful thing
if they fit just right
all the ladies know it's a mighty beautiful sight
well he's never been one for anything
that involves books
he aint got much going for him besides his good looks
you see he always stays in trouble
when it comes down to romance
it aint a joke when they say the boy
survives by the seat of his pants
and it may sound crazy
but those wrangler butts
drive the cowgirls nuts
yes it may sound crazy
but those wrangler butts
drive the cowgirls nuts

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