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Karaoke text písně A Day To Remember - Colder Than My Heart If You Can Imagine

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY a >> A Day To Remember >>
Don't point your finger baby
This isn't the best time for you to test me
"Now the message isn't for anyone here" she said
It wasn't you or anyone I would lie for
Tell me, who would you lie for?

Let's leave the light
I'm still singing "Whoa"
Don't say you won't let it go
'Cause you'll never know
(You'll never know)
I'm still singing "Whoa"
Don't say you won't let it go
'Cause you'll never know

Don't be so quick to blame a friend
When the smoke is cleared, there will be nobody left
"Don't be so sure of yourself" he said
If this was me, you would never know your name
(Never know your name)
Heart means everything

Let's leave the light
I'm still singing "Whoa"
Don't say you won't let it go
'Cause you'll never know
(You'll never know)
I'm still singing "Whoa"
Don't say you won't let it go
'Cause you'll never know

Don't ride with me, your faith
Don't ride with me, your faith

From the top of the world
We'll let them know
That your biggest fear is letting go
From the top of the world
We'll let them know
That your biggest fear is letting go

I'm still singing "Whoa"
Don't say you won't let it go
'Cause you'll never know
(You'll never know)
I'm still singing "Whoa"
Don't say you won't let it go
'Cause you'll never know

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