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Karaoke text písně 16 Horsepower - Fire Spirit

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY 1 >> 16 Horsepower >>
(Gun Club)

I can see clearly from my diamond eyes
I'm going to the mountain with a fire spirit
No one will accept all of me, so the fire will stop

And for the straights that got fire cars
I'm going to the mountain with a fire spirit
No one will take all of me, and the fire will stop

I will be cheating the whole ritual
I'm going to the mountain with a fire spirit
No one will accept all of me, and the fire will stop

Someone weird read: "Pen down a circle"
Yeah, someone left on a burned out world
Someone knows I'm dead as hell
Where the old north wind blows through southeast hell, yeah

And then John was betrayed by the machine
A proper circuit was a promise to me
I'm going up to the mountain to see
How blessing will set me free, yeah

I had to do something
I was wearing down
I was going down

Why can no one ever touch a fire spirit?
Why can no one ever hold a fire spirit?
Why can no one ever feel a fire spirit?

I am going to the mountain

Yeah, I can see clearly from my diamond eyes
I'm going to the mountain with a fire spirit
And no one will accept all of me, so the fire will stop

With too much patience and too much pain
I'm going to the mountain with a fire spirit
To make amends for all of me, and the fire will stop

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